Newsletter – Nov 2018
We wish you all… happy sadhana days
Dear Member Friends,
Time never stops for anyone. Happy moments roll fast and time flies unnoticed. The value of time is experienced in tough times and unhappy moments. Each and every second is felt like a year, very hard to pass through. Time is a great teacher and preaches many useful life lessons. Time compliments and influences humans in many ways and is praised as God. Now we are into Gregorian calendar’s eleventh month and that’s for us the time of Karthika masa, very auspicious, pious and apt time for universal sadhana(spiritual practice). Knowledged Jnanis say, “In this period celestial bodies also help human consciousness to touch divinity”. Yogic science says that in this time frame kundalini will easily raise from muladhara (root chakra) to sahasthrara(crown chakra) igniting divinity in self.
On these auspicious days, our holy Sath Guru Dr Umar Alisha widely tours in the states of A.P, Telangana and Karnataka to preach spiritual philosophy thereby promoting peace, communal harmony, national integrity and enlightenment among masses. We always discuss how to be open when we have Sath Guru’s darshan. In addition regularly we must practice Thrayi Sadhana and they are Mantra Sadhana, Gnana Sadhana and Dhyana Sadhana. A human being is comprised of three levels and they physical, mental and spiritual and Thrayi sadhana deals all these levels and blesses a practitioner with livelihood at physical, contentment at mental and salvation at soul level. What else anyone could aspire?
There is no difference between Siva and Kesava. Vedas proclaim this truth and affirm that, “God is one”. It is also said that, “Human body is a temple and incarnated soul is divine”. In this month people arduously do spiritual practices and try for enlightenment. Holy book Karthika Puranam describes about stories of many devotees who had inner transformation and attained Siva saayujya(salvation). Taking holy bath, lighting oil lamp and incense sticks, visiting holy places, reading holy books, reciting mantra, doing individual meditations, performing collective prayers and meditations, spending time in nature, offering sacred prayers to Pundarikaksha and Lord Siva, basil and goose berry tree are some of the practices mentioned by sage Vasista.
Every micro second is important as none can predict when and where significant transformation happens in one’s life. Practice with sincerity and detachment. Then wait in patience till Sath Guru’s blessings shower and life becomes a new, an independent and blissful life.
So, dear member friends, let us practice Thrayi Sadhana and let mind free from illusion, six temptations, time and kundalini’s malicious affects. Mind is tough to control, fast like mercury, wobbly and that quick mind controls physical. Disasters happen when we follow destabilized mind. In agitation or in anger mind takes decisions which throws one into deep misery and trouble. Such mind can be stabilized by Thrayi Sadhana through awakening wisdom. Mind is a double edged knife which can be used by sadhana for self realization. When body, mind and soul align, a state of realization transpires. In this sadhana time, let us do more sadhana and lead a bliss filled life.
Thanking you.
Yours spiritually,
Renuka Devi Vangara