Newsletter – Sep 2024

Dear Member Friends,


Every year, we celebrate September 9th , Sath Guru Sha gari birthday. Thousands of people flood the Ashram to participate in the program. Brahmasri Sha garu is a guide, philosopher, Sufi saint, writer, prophet and a great Sath Guru. His life is an example of how to lead a blissful life. Let us recollect one great feature from his life. He used to maintain his program schedules perfectly. If he allocates time, for any person/organization/meeting, he used to present there without fail. Irrespective of people’s turnout, his meetings are scheduled in the specified time frame. He always taught that honour time and time will bless you in return. The fact is that the Time is a form of God. If time is in your hands or if you understand the time, you will understand the gist of life, your purpose, the agenda of life’s problems and difficulties, the turmoil, emotional turbulence and the efficacy of circumstances and the people involved.

How do we understand the factor of Time?

Delve deep into any happening and apply your spiritual mind to understand the importance of the event, what we have to learn from it and how to transform our actions and emotions in the next phase of life. Spiritual and philosophical thinking is a byproduct of sadhana. We need to practice Thrayee Sadhana with complete faith in the Sath Guru and Maha Manthra (Manthra is Guru, and Guru is the form of Manthra). The powerful Manthra lets the cells burn in divine light and helps to shed karmic, six vices, illusion and kundalini influence, and paves the way to liberation. The Gnana Sadhana helps to change the pattern of mind in understanding, and learning and blesses the sadhaka with a balanced and peaceful mind. The Dhyana Sadhana. helps in staying in alignment with the Highest Vibration. These powerful sadhanas help in understanding the TIME

So, dear Member Friends, let us do more sadhana, have respect for time and pray Sath Guru for right knowledge and liberation within this physical.

Thanking you

Yours Spiritually

Renuka Devi Vangara

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