Newsletter – Aug 2017

An eternal relation –the Sath Guru

Dear Member Friends,

Hope this letter finds you all in good spirits. I presume you are all happy, peaceful and contented as the grace of Gurudev always showers upon Sri Viswa Viznana   Vidya Aadhyathmika Peetham’s family members-the blissful family.

This month, we have a festival called Raksha Bandhan in Indian subcontinent. This festival marks the love and duty between sisters and brothers. They may not be biologically related, emotional feeling matters. We wish you all a very Happy Raksha Bandhan.

Every human being craves for love, care and affection in addition to food, money, material comforts, status and utmost gratifying factor identity. Our attachment to mother is nine months more compared to others. In fact, our first relation is our mother. She introduces us to rest of our relations. As an individual grows from the state of infant to adult, the identification becomes strong with specific behavioral pattern. At a point of time, this identification creeps into every relation and priorities change. As the life’s sun sets towards last phase, the experiences murmur in mind, many imprints bother heart and some leave deep wounds. Looking back into past glorious youthful days, many fail to spot the few best close persons in life’s journey.

What is the cardinal rule of having a good relationship? Management experts say, “Have personal space and let others have it”.  Rules are always simple but sometimes tough to follow and implement. Speaking in spiritual philosophic lines, “World is like a mirror and it reflects yourself”. Unless and until one transforms as a perfect universal being, one cannot have perfect relations. Then, a question arise, “What is the everlasting relation?” The crux of our discussion is relation and from the point of initiation of Maha Mantra to last breath, a relation is constant, true and pure and that relation is Sath Guru. He is kind, compassionate and guides disciples in the right path. Externally, becomes a part of our family and internally, becomes a part of our breath and eternal companion. When we approach with a problem, anyone can turn their face but not Sath Guru as he is the symbol of pure love and light. Volumes of works are there about Sath Guru, but words always fail to express this eternal relation. So, in absolute silence, I pray that the light and grace of Sath Guru shine in every human heart transforming a being as a true human being.

Thanking you.

Till …the month of September..,

Spiritually yours,

Renuka Devi Vangara

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