Newsletter – Jul 2023

Om Sri SathGurubhyo Namah

Dear Member Friends,

                                      HAPPY GURU PURNIMA

We celebrate Guru Purnima to felicitate and offer respects to our Gurus academically and spiritually. 

What is the true worship? 

It is to offer our prayers to Swami with devotion, faith, aim, and knowledge. True worship needs dedication, submission of our egos, and surrenderance of our minds to a Guru and a God is most important in any religion. We should never shift our faith from one God to another, one Guru to another, and one religion to another. Sath Guru Hussein Sha garu taught us to follow Dharma till we breathe with faith though we experience a downfall at a physical level. God-worshipping, attending prayers and holy places without faith are of no use and is a waste of time.

The soul’s innate nature is to love God as it is a reflection of God. It tries to be in communion with God. But the walls of the physical and the mind will hinder its aspiration. We are much engrossed in these physical world activities and never care inner residing incarnated soul and its agenda. The problems, difficulties, and sorrow enter our lives, surrounded by desperate situations; we try to reach a Guru or God for mental relief. After getting some relief, we leave them and will not follow spiritual and philosophical practices. Like a cyclic equation, problems, difficulties, and sorrow will revolve around humans, and people opt for temporary relief. They never try for a permanent solution. 

How to solve perennial problems in life? 

 Dharma says past lives karmas dictate present life and pose problems and difficulties in our path. The solution to these ever-occurring problems and sorrow is to do regular sadhana and apply it to transform life patterns. Sath- Guru says to do sadhana, use the power of sadhana to wipe out your karmas, rewrite your life’s destiny and lead life blissfully as per your aspirations.  

So, dear Member friends, let us do sadhana, live blissfully without hurting ourselves and others, and be a boon to Mother Earth.

Thanking you

Yours spiritually

Renuka Devi Vangara

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