Newsletter – Oct 2023

Dear Member Friends, 

We wish you all A Happy Sarannava Rathrulu – Happy Sadhana days.

It is a good time for all the sadhakas to practice for enlightenment. Many wait for these days to perform religious rituals. For ages, this sarannava rathrulu time is holy and auspicious for all practitioners. Every day, we practice Sath Guru preached Thrayee Sadhana. Time is a crucial factor for human beings and a fate decider in life, considered as the God, and we know that performing the right act at the right time is a sure formula for success. We can get anything lost, but the time once lost is not recoverable. Hence, time is precious for all of us and must be respected and spent wisely. In addition to daily chores, we must set time for spiritual practices. Some of the benefits we get through regular spiritual practices are,

At Physical level

  • Good health
  • Quality of life
  • Intention fulfilling capability
  • Better Time management 
  • Improved Communication skills 
  • Quick thinking and enhanced brain power
  • Silence
  • Good Relations with self and others
  • Improved Organizing capabilities
  • Better financial management
  • Enriched decision-making capability
  • Better understanding of life, nature, and the universe

At the Mind level

  • We stay calm at all times
  • Peace and contentment

At spiritual level

  • Realization within this physical
  • Salvation

 As the practice reaches a point, with the blessings of Sath Guru, we know how to stay in communion with the inner-self – the inner-dwelling God.

Our Sath Guru promises the right livelihood at the physical, peace and contentment at the mind level, and realization within, in addition to salvation. What else does one need? Nothing!!! 

Let us do more sadhana to spread the waves of spirituality and fill the world with love, light, health, happiness, peace, and prosperity. Let all enjoy the ease of life, understand the truth, and live to uphold the values of life. 

Thanking you

Till next letter!!!

Spiritually yours

Renuka Devi Vangara

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